Cindy Utzinger Why is My Kid Doing That?

A question we have all asked ourselves.
I'd love to help you not only understand why
but also equip you with the tools to help.

Learn to see your child's behavior through a sensory lens.

Everybody is a Genius. But If You Judge a Fish by Its Ability to Climb a Tree, It Will Live Its Whole Life Believing that It is Stupid.

- Albert Einstein

Why Is My Kid Doing That?

Are you at a loss for what to do to help your child?  Does he or she have some quirky behaviors that you can't quite put your finger on?  Are you being told by teachers that your child stands out in the classroom (and not in a good way)?  There's not a parent out there who doesn't sometimes ask themselves "Why is my child doing that?".  I would love to empower you with the knowledge and tools to be able to help them!

A sneak peek at what's inside

  • An explanation of sensory integration in layman's terms
  • An easy to understand explanation of the importance of the sensory system being on autopilot
  • A discussion of the immature sensory system vs. alternate diagnoses
  • Reasons why we are seeing more children struggle with sensory issues and a rise in the diagnoses of ADD/ADHD
  • Sensory processing's role in ADD/ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • The reason why fears, meltdowns, anxiety, and difficulty with transitions can be rooted in the sensory system
  • Ways to create a sensory lifestyle for your children without adding stress to your already busy life
  • Self-regulation and calming strategies
  • Tools to help children with ADD/ADHD focus and manage their behaviors

No more Band-Aids.  Let's get to the root!

Every child has their quirks. Heck, we all do! Instead of putting a Band-Aid on each behavior, we need to look at the foundation...their sensory foundation. Often when we feel our kid's behavior may warrant a diagnosis, we realize that at the root of it all was an immature sensory system.

Development can be compared to building blocks. When you want to build a pyramid of blocks that won't fall over, you need a good strong foundation. That's how our children work, and their sensory system is a key component of this foundation.

A weak sensory foundation can lead to problems in the way the brain receives information, the way it organizes it, the way motor skills are carried out, or the way children respond emotionally or behaviorally.

Attention to immature development can be a first step in early prevention of school failure.

Athena Oden, Ready Body Learning Minds (2006)